Saturday, April 6, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Pictures!

Pretty much does not get any cuter. The boys are getting so big and are super fun. They have started talking much more now that they have been in school. We just take life one day at a time!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year OH MY

My oh my how time flies! Here are some newish pics of the boys. They are doing really well in school and it has made a huge difference in their social and verbal skills. Hopefully in 2013 we will be better about posting on our blog! Hope everyone is well and having a great New Year!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Solvang with Grandma!

Grandma and I took the boys for a little trip to Solvang on Saturday. It was fun but really hot! They have the best park ever and we went and saw the mini ponies. A good time was had by all.

Friday, August 24, 2012

First Day of School!!

Really this is a pic of the second day of school but ya know how it goes. Noah Cooper will be the boys teacher and he seems very nice. The boys were the only two kids in the class, we are hoping more will show up on Monday! They got a lot of attention with one teacher and five aids!! From what Noah said they had some challenges but overall did pretty well. It will probably take a few weeks to get adjusted to the new routine. We are still continuing with the ABA therapy in the afternoon so the days are BUSY!! It's all good and better to do the hard work now.  We will keep everyone updated on their progress!! Thanks for all your love and support.